Saturday, June 27, 2009

Drink this Cola Thoughtsmith!

Several poems posted at Andrew Colarusso's literary/art blog Drink This Cola! Read them here.
Also read a poem of mine at Thoughtsmith. I hope it clears your lungs.

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Products of My Submission(s)

Okay, a lot of new things are out there and luckily, my name is attached to them all.

The first poetry news, several poems up at The Write Place at the Write Time. They invited me to submit again, so I did. It might be hard to find my work, but if you have patience and scroll (or just search for my fame), then you shall be rewarded.

You will have to do the same at Lit Up, for my poem "Congo Untitled" perhaps the first ekphrastic poem for an animal's art.

However for the new issue of From East to West (a magazine of found poetry), things are a little bit different. My poem is on page 23 of their latest issue. You can read the issue and flip through the pages just like it's a real magazine!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Field Notes at the Good Time Emporium

Hello all. I have two poems of mine appearing in the Good Time Emporium. They have an awesome font consisting entirely of facial hair (hence the picture).

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Don't Neglect the Neglected Ratio

Finally more work up on the Internets. Three poems of mine are now up at the Neglected Ratio. A fine set of triplets. You can read them here, here, and here.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Progress of My Poetry

Well it's been a while since I posted. I've moved, written, submitted, gotten drunk a few times (not enough), worked, packed, unpacked, and braved the Chinatown Bus. Of course whether or not I am smothered to death by Arlington remains to be seen. I recently passed 2000 pages of poetry and I thought it would be good to reflect on how much I've written since I started versifying. Now there are some caveats to this approach. Namely much of the early work is an educated guess. Also there can be many poems to a page or many pages to a poem. They do not equal one another, though they might if I ever wanted to count it up, but David didn't fare too well with his census, so why would I? It seems to resemble a population curve, slow growth, then rapid increase, and slowing down. Why this trend? In short, post-graduation life was a bitch. Though now perhaps I have hit my carrying capacity. or maybe it is because I spend all my time now having to write about the life and death of minor English Physicists and the dates of incorporation for towns in Massachusetts in order to join question to answer for