Sunday, July 14, 2024

Take a Break from Politics to Read about the Sunrise


Sage Cigarettes has published a poem of mine in their latest issue. It is page 28 in the issue, page 33 when you scroll in the reader. The title refers to a genre of writing from Byzantium that focuses on the intricaies and practicalities of siege warfare.

Friday, July 5, 2024

My First Trigger Warning?


Thanks to Finnialla at Pulp Lit Mag for publishing my short story The Glass Palace Chronicle. Half Cheever, half Faulkner, half Dick, it comes with a trigger warning for bigotry. 

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Put the U in UCity Review, by Reading these Poems


A Ford Escape Hybrid and David Duchovny

The UCity Review, which is located in the shadow of Washington University in St. Louis, has published 11 poems of mine. They deal with a variety of topics that range from the TV show Californication, to horses, from kayaking on the Potomac to getting a dick drawn on your face.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Story to Go with Your Garbage Plate


It's something lickin' good

Rundelania, a journal based up in Rochester, NY, published a short story of mine. It is called "Blended Bifocal," It's about dirt, coffee, jogging, pipes, and more dirt. Bonus points if you can spot the Norman Mailer reference.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Up, Up, and Away


UP! an outfit in the UK dedicated to positive writing published two poems of mine in their February issue. If they like them, they must be uplifting. Search for my name and read the issue here:

Monday, May 13, 2024

Ben Takes a Gothic Turn

Pictured above is Frederick III, German Emperor. He was Kaiser for only two months in 1888, until he succumbed to throat cancer. This early demise paved the way for his son ,Wilhelm II, to take charge of the German Empire. We all know how well that went.

What does this have to do with me? Thanks to Macy Skov at A Suffer's Digest, a short story of mine based on the Kaiser's malady is now published. It is called Bureau of Barbarians and is up and ready to be read.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Monday, April 22, 2024

Yesterday's Poem, Today


Thanks to Sandy Benitez over at the Black Poppy Review for publishing my poem "Sunrise Trials of the Occupant." 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Your New Prairie Home Companion

Prairie Home Magazine has published a poem of mine. It's about the beach, Long Beach to be less than exact. I guess the sand is a kind of prairie? Different sort of Amber Waves. Anyway, read it here.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Underscore Cool


The Journal of Expressive (not Excessive) Writing has published a poem of mine: Underscore Cool

Sunday, March 17, 2024

A Cocktale for St. Patrick's


Pictured: not me

Howdy and happy March. Blessed tidings for the Hibernians amongst you as well. Here's a story I published in Dead Booze, called Plumped Into the Reeking Chest. Might not be safe for lunch, but cheers anyway!

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Strolling Down Aether Avenue


Hello, hello. Happy greetings from March. Two poems of mine were published in Aether Avenue. One is about Desertification and the other is based on my trips riding Amtrak from coast to coast